Corporate events are about maximizing your return on investment. Product launches, corporate retreats, team building events, and galas can all benefit from what we at Ulala Productions love: Experiential Events.
Social media has demonstrated that utilizing smart devices with music, AI, and all sorts of effects can educate and entertain the masses for hours on end. So, if you’re a company looking to take a new approach to your next corporate event, consider hosting an Experiential Event.
So what is it?
It’s being immersed in the event and getting lost in an experience.
It’s more than your average show. It’s an interactive exhibit where your viewers' attention is retained through catchy dynamic elements. In this blog, we’ll explore some elements you can incorporate into your event that will retain the attention of your audience, boost your return on investment, and make your event a memorable one.

1. Theme
Start by identifying the theme of your event, preferably one that allows your guests to have input and get creative. But why, you may ask? Absolutely everyone, both introverted and extroverted, loves being involved. Your next question may be, how do you get both introverted and extroverted people involved in the same activity?
There are several ways. Events that promote wearing masks such as a masquerade, sports-themed events that encourage people to wear their favorite jersey, or themed activities based on hit shows such as Game of Thrones.
The goal is to get people excited and participating. Once given the chance to become involved, people will have a sense of true belonging. Once you’ve picked a theme, you’re ready for the next step.
2. Eye-grabbing visuals
I’ve heard time and time again: never judge a book by its cover. I love this saying because it really goes to show the lengths someone went through to cover up their shortcomings in hiring a designer who was able to encapsulate their vision. No judgment, in fact… well played. However, it’s not a saying we go by at Ulala Productions. We love eye-grabbing visuals! The more astonishing, the better! Go big or go home, baby!
After identifying your theme, you can now work with your lighting director (LD for short) to match your colors with your theme. It could be your company colors or colors that make your product pop, but don’t hold back! You have a lot riding on this.
At Ulala Productions, colors aren't our only tool. We have different effects we can achieve using something called a Gobo. This allows you to create depth, texture, or even project your company logo.
Now, let’s say you’re promoting a new diamond. Just because the item you are showcasing is small in size does not mean the presentation has to be. If you are in the business of diamonds, you can’t afford to go small. So why not use projectors to project enlarged high-resolution moving images of your crown jewel? You see, presentations do not have to be stagnant or stale.
Using technology, we can invoke any emotion. And why keep it 2-dimensional? What if you could step into a room projecting diamonds all around so people are literally inside a diamond? Want to go bigger? More powerful projectors can project shapes, envelopes, lines, and all sorts of figures onto the wall, creating a variety of interactive effects! Your guests are sure to leave with their jaws dropped!
3. Music
Music has been around for the longest time. It’s a way for people to connect. It’s a love language. When people have difficulty finding words, they gravitate to their favorite track, because that artist said in a few words, what they could not. It’s the force that unites all people.
Music is inspirational.
It’s used everywhere. From commercials, elevators, jingles, even radio stations use background music when advertising. Whatever your event may be, music is a very important element. Which is why Ulala Productions is adamant about always hiring either a DJ or a band. I’ve seen numerous times company events feel awkward because there was no music. This led to people asking if they can plug their iPhone or android into the sound system, only to find out some of the guests do not share their taste in music.
A professional DJ knows what’s current. They have this magical ability to get people to get up off of their seats and shake it! An experienced DJ has mastered the ability to get people excited and also when to start winding down the event. We work with the best of the best. If you’ve never had the experience, it’s never to late! Contact us, we’ll happily put something together for ya!
4. Personalization
How do you personalize an event whether small or big. Video. Most people having a great time love jumping in front of a camera and shouting wooooo!!! Documenting people have a great time next to your product will keep any viewer engaged. You see video content without people isn’t as appealing as seeing people interacting in your event. Whether it’s communicating, engaging, or having a blast. Content like this promotes community. And every human being whether introverted or extroverted wants to be a part of a community. And while documenting on your phone is helpful for social media, it doesn’t always translate well through other mediums. Hiring a professional videographer will ensure they use their various tools to capture the right moment under any condition. Outdoor or indoor with bright or low lighting conditions.
A professional videographer has a system that allows them to organize the footage they’ve captured so that they can swift through hours of material from multiple cameras and create an exciting summary of your amazing event. A creative director with a unique vision can really put a twist on the most basic items and show an exciting side to it. If you’re a company launching a new product or you’re running a fundraising event, we can’t stress enough the importance of hiring someone with the unique ability to showcase your product in a light that connects with your audience.
5. Live Streaming
The pandemic sure did shake things up for the production industry. But some really good came out of it. Live streaming has not only allowed businesses to interact virtually, but also expand a much larger audience. Businesses have capitalized on this new form of event because it allows them to reach a larger audience without the limitations of a room capacity. So if your event has a max capacity, consider live streaming to your audience or guests who weren’t able to join. You’ll find live streaming can still be effective under the right directive.
Live streaming allows you to switch between short videos then transition into interviews. The best part is that all parties do not have to be in the same room! (Which if you think about it, can be considered a form of time travel.)
To wrap up
Experiential Events are an amazing approach to event planning and executing. Ulala Productions has the vision, the means, the team, and the heart to put together the most immersive and unforgettable events. In this blog we listed the main elements which can branch out to hundreds of ideas. From there, they can evolve based on the industry. The best solutions come from meeting with our clients, hearing out their goals, interpreting their vision, iterating, and iterating some more, until we’re ready to execute. And we’ve only gotten better over time.
We’d love to hear from you! If you have an upcoming event and want to share your vision, shoot us an email at info@ulalapro.com We’re great business partners and are always looking to network, connect, and share ideas. You can also visit our website at ulalapro.com or follow us on social media. Subscribe for inspiring ideas or guides.
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